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The Heat Program

Amsterdam is transitioning to sustainable heating
Currently, about 85% of the homes in the municipality of Amsterdam are still heated with natural gas, and most Amsterdammers and Weespers also cook on natural gas. To reduce the city's Co2 emissions, it is essential to both reduce heat consumption and ensure that it is sustainable heating.


The Heat Program
The City of Amsterdam is currently developing the Heat Program. This program will outline, neighborhood by neighborhood, the most suitable sustainable heating solutions and the preferred timeline for phasing out natural gas. To create a fair and effective program, guiding principles are being established first. These principles provide direction and ensure that every decision aligns with key goals such as affordability, sustainability, and minimizing inconvenience in public space. Each choice impacts how the city becomes natural gas-free. Defining these principles is the first step of the Heat Program. On this page, you can learn more about the Heat Program.


Conversations with the city
The transition to sustainable heating affects everyone in Amsterdam and Weesp. That’s why we actively involved residents and other stakeholders, gathering their opinions to help shape the guiding principles. Interviews were conducted with stakeholders and local initiatives, nearly 1,000 people completed the online Decision Tool, and 30 residents participated in a resident panel. We visited districts and Weesp with our cargo bike to engage residents and encouraged participation through social media. The Decision Tool is now closed. For more information, you can consult the participation plan.


On Thursday, October 24, 2024, a presentation was held for residents and stakeholders to explain how the guiding principles were developed. You can find the report of that evening here.

In early 2025, the guiding principles will be finalized by the city administration. If you have questions about the involvement of Amsterdammers and Weespers in developing the guiding principles, or suggestions for us or questions about the Heat Program, please contact us via warmteprogramma@amsterdam.nl.


May 2024

Stakeholder Participation: Interviews will be conducted, and a joint session with all stakeholders will be organized.

June-July 2024

Resident Participation: 1) A meeting with resident initiatives will be held. In addition, the residents' panel will meet three times. Only pre-selected residents can participate in this panel.

2) Residents can express their views on the important issues regarding making their homes gas-free and insulating them through a citywide online choice guide.

August 2024

Making Choices and writing the Principles Note. There will be no participation in this phase.

September 2024

Stakeholder Participation: A discussion with stakeholders will take place, where the results of the interviews will be reviewed, and there will be an opportunity to respond to the draft principles note.

October 2024

Resident Participation: An information meeting will be organized to give residents the opportunity to respond to the principles note.

December 2024

Stakeholder Participation: Stakeholders will be informed about the draft version of the principles note.

Begin 2025

Establishing the Principles Note


Resident Participation: The level of participation for the next phases will be further developed, and the final plan will be presented on OpenResearch.

Stakeholder Participation: The level of participation for the next phases will be further developed, and the final plan will be presented on OpenResearch.


Establishing the Heat Program. Everyone can provide feedback by submitting a statement of views. The consultation period will last six weeks. Afterwards, those who submitted a statement will receive a response explaining which changes have been made and which have not, including a justification.

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